It wasn't all turkey time in FL over the Thanksgiving holiday. Got to ride the flats around St. Pete next to the Skyway Bridge. The insane Flexifoil team rider Billy Parker did some mugging for the camera as well. Managed a few shots of him flying by but I had less success getting close enough when he was boosting the airs-
Spent Saturday riding some of Martha's Vineyard's smooth water. Nevin, Gebby and others were kind enough to jump right over me while I shot straight up from the beach.
Rode a ride for my local Save the Bay organization last weekend. 75 miles around Buzzards Bay on a cold rainy day that was supposed to be warm and sunny.
A late summer cruise in the Arion, the first large fiberglass sailboat built in 1951. She was designed by Sidney Herreshoff and restored by Damian MacLaughlin in 2001. The cruise went from Woods Hole-Edgartown-Cuttyhunk-Westport-Woods Hole.
The new Puma VOR boat was out this weekend doing some around the buoys training. Great paint job- note the orange cat starting to show on the very bottom of the boat. I'm trying to create some sensation of movement in a few of these shots using slow a slow shutter and a gyro stabilizer. This boat moves fast in not alot of breeze and flat water so my driver has to be money-
This afternoon's excitement in the neighborhood. Got a chance to try out my new point and shoot, an Olympus 850 SW, supposedly waterproof down to 10 feet. We'll see. The fire chief told me to get back when I got close to two fireman aiming a hose thru a window- I told him not to worry cuz the camera was waterproof! Some of these shots even made it up on
I scored plenty of powder the final days of the season on Vail Mountain. No fresh powder on this day though....I used a Superclamp and a lot of duct tape to fasten the camera to my ex-racer friend's ski tip. Unfortunately the heavily weighted ski caused him to wipe out 3 turns in. Luckily I was able to get several shots after that during the second try but on the last run the whole rig vibrated off and I had to chase down the tumbling taped ball of Superclamp and Canon camera and lens. My friend hiked back up the piste to retrieve the remote trigger which was trashed. Fortunately the camera was fine.