Was doing some cruising on Arion last summer. Arion was the first large fiberglass sailboat ever built. Designed by Sidney Herreshoff in 1950 she is one one of the nicest boats I've ever sailed.
Here are some boat graphics I had a small part in helping with the design- The designs appear on all the Chicago Match Racing Centers new boats. Heather Hobler was the real artist involved. Check out her blog- http://heatherhobler.wordpress.com/
An entire Volvo with Legos. I checked there's a real car underneath but it still took them days to craft this one. I wished I'd brought some Legos with me to "pimp that ride"-
Cool images of me and my fractured shoulder, both before(dislocated) they screwed it together and after. Amazing detail the cat scan gives, color and all.
Managed to slip into the Boston Garden for the hockey state championship game. Great access close to the glass and I was able to find my way up into rafters above the action.
Today was an unseasonably warm and windy day in Boston. I was surprised to see a couple people rigging up well after sunset tonight as it wasn't that warm and the water was seasonably cold. Nevertheless, Pleasure Bay has alot of lights around it and it's totally enclosed from the sea. The autofocus wasn't too helpful in the dark so I was going old school and doing it manually-
I stayed in Key West thru the weekend to cover a match racing event. Sponsored by Chicago Match Racing, the group intends to start a series in Chicago in Tom 28's. Charlie Enright of Disney's "Morning Light" fame team kept getting better and won.