Friday, May 21, 2010


Some video taken while I was shooting Shawn Richman throwing his new move the "Miracle Whip". I'm the guy on the ladder with the camera hoping he'd could come even closer. The wind was a lot lighter than it looks. This kid can huck if there's even a breath of breeze. More stills to follow.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mitch 2

Video from my Mitch Gilman shoot. I skied with him using both a camera caddy and a pole to get some of these tight angles on the sliders and features in the park. Also mounted the HDSLR on his ski to see how that would work-


I hooked up with the Shawn and Jesse Richman. Brothers with big moves.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Maybe I'm showing my age but this cool shot brings back memories of listening to the albums of my youth.